Bogova Trip

Bogova Waterfall!

After driving for some 35 kilometers from Berat, the next leg of the journey is a 40-minute hike through a lush forest. Then, you will be rewarded with the magnificent view of the Bogova Waterfall!

This natural monument wasdeclared with decision NO.303, date 10,05,2019, of the  council of ministers, ''For the Approval of the Revised, Update List of Albania Natural Monuments '' Amended by Decision No.187 dated 25,03,2021.

It is located inside the territory of Mali  i Tomorrit national park at an altitude 315 m above sea level. This waterfall has hight touristic values with maizin beauty and very visitable by local and foreign visitors almostin all seasons of the year.  it has a height of 20 m and water  basin with a it depth of 10-12 m, it is naturale gem surrounded by  therse vegetation.

The spot is perfect for taking in the sun, relaxing amidst the sounds of nature, and taking an energizing swim. 

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